May speaks of possibilities. Fifth Month on the Gregorian Calendar. Named after Maia a Roman Goddess. Meaning more likely to happen, wished for, permission.
1 May Day
2 Eid al-Fitr
3 World Laughter Day/International Gilbert & Sullivan Day/World Press Freedom Day
5 Europe Day
7 World Fair Trade Day
8 Mother’s Day
12 International Nurses Day
15 National Children’s Day Uk
16 Love a Tree Day
18 National Numeracy Day/International Museum Day
20 World Bee Day
21 World Cultural Diversity
22 International Day for Biological Diversity
23 World Turtle Day / Water Saving Week 23th – 27th
25 Africa Day
28 International Hamburger Day/Amnesty International Day International Jazz Day
30 Memorial Day
31 World No Tobacco Day
A Prayer for May 2022 written by Lady Dawnecia Palmer
May dreams be realised, fulfilled
May Light and Love find home in hearts and souls
May weary bodies revived, strengthened, revived
May each be granted chance to start again, renewed
May Peace enter, stay forever, peace-filled, peaceFULL
May seeds of Kindness bud, blossom, bloom, and its flowers share
May awareness of God as LIFE living within each breath
May Gratitude, Appreciation, and Thanksgiving sing
May one word, one thought, change our whole world.