Starting 2025 with Pray and Hope!

Dear LIFE,  we call God, Source, Creator, Lord

Thank you for bringing us through every life circumstances to this present moment.

And even though there has been some really tough, difficult times,

Looking back, there has also been some amazing moments too.

2025 business plan matter ...And so, at the very start of 2025, earmarked as ‘LIFE Blessing You Year’


We surrender our supplications, and offer instead our praise, in great expectancy for an outpouring of your promised provision and care.

Looking forward, we ask that when darkness or dangers peruse us, and the road we are on seem rocky and void of hope

Help us. Lift us up. Cause our faith to be renewed, and our hopes restore. Let not fear or doubt overtake us, and continually set reminders in our path

To remind us each day, that Thou art The way, The Light, and The Life.

In Thy kindness, love, and compassion, Lord, please hear our prayer. Amen Ameen, Ashay.

Prayer composed by the Reverend Dr Palmer, Matriarch and Spiritual Leader  LU LIFE CHURCH, global spiritual community portal. January 2025


December, beginning of winter, twelfth, and last, and first of the three coldest months of the year! December solstice marks the shortest day north of the equator and the longest day in the south. Yet, despite the damp, darker days, shorter evenings, and much darker nights, it is still a special time of the year.

For it is at December that the Christmas tree goes up, with its bright, sparkly lights, and jingle bells songs; the warmth of fireplaces, and the delicious scent of spiced hot-toddies.. of cinnamon, cloves, lemon mingled with rum, brandy or whisky.. fills the air around pretty Christmas Markets stalls usually held in the centre of many downtown this time of year.

It has long been acknowledged that though December is not really the authentic time period that the boy Jesus was born, nevertheless, it is the month that has been designated on the calendar for us to commemorate his miraculous birth, and the wonderful stories these offers us.

Christmas stories of angels singing in he highest, as well as of them coming down to earth to speak with humans.  They tell of wise men and astrologers seeing a new star appearing in East, and travelling out with their precious gems of gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh, to offer to the new king.

And it is this Christmas Story that give the narrative for the endearing nativity scene, where we see Joseph, and a  young mother and her child neatly tucked in warm swaddling clothes lying in a manger in a stable, along with angels, shepherds, and animals.  A Saviour to earth has come. And it is these stories which creates the backdrop for our carols today.

December, there are beautiful festive lights everywhere in lands far, and near. It is the season  for shopping for presents, exchange of gifts, visiting with loved ones and friends, eating grand, and more than usual merriment.


December, represents a time when things of nature sleep, hidden within roots, boughs, clouds, and buildings as well as the realm of soul. And within the hush of this hidden dark there is also an unfolding, as the planet, nature and species, having turned inwards, unveil a freshness so that out of the dark and hidden appear new inspiration, new directions, and hopefully for us humans a deeper understanding of what was, what is, and what could be.

Christmas Blog by Lady Dawnecia Palmer, December 2024


October 2024

“Smile and the world will smile with you!Smiling can trick your brain into happiness — and boost your health

Hi there! Have you heard the saying ‘What you sow is what you reap?’ What sort of seeds have you been sowing lately? Seeds of hope or seeds of fear and gloom? Sow a smile, reap a smile!

151+ Fun October Trivia Questions to ...

Did you know that fear has a knack of crippling a person inside? When this happens, it can also wipes that smile away so that the person begin to look and feel downcast, their countenance  changes drastically, and their face becomes less attractive.

Keep smile

What this means is that a person’s persona is less inviting, and instead of the world smiling for you, it may feel as if you are being shunned. But this isn’t necessarily the case of being shunned or disliked or even unappreciated.

Instead you may find that it could well be the case that because  you are no longer the smiley, hopeful magnetic energy any more, there are no sparks to draw or attract the same, and as such life then often begin to feel heavy and burdensome, and your face no longer smiles.

Happy Smiling Woman - Free vector ...

Here some may say they have  good reasons for feeling low, and for not trying to raise a smile. But understanding how the dynamics works between the vibration we are emitting and how this equates and determines the frequency we pull towards ourselves, can be an surprise eyeopener for many. And for most as soon as they realise this simple truth, they tend to make more effort to try and raise their vibrations.

Raissmiling, clipart, vector graphic one’s vibration helps to create new hopes and even revive old ones, given upon.  Here, I invite anyone who has lost their smile to think about something that gives you joy, however simple that may be. You can also go out in nature and look for something to admire and sit with that feeling for a while. Or treat yourself to something that makes you feel good about yourself, this does not have to be anything expensive. Play some upbeat music or watch a wholesome light-hearted comedy. These ideas often works to encourage one’s self to smile again, to feel better, and in some instances to laugh out loud.

It none of the above appeals, you could try reaching out to encourage someone that  you have not seen or spoken to for while, with the intension to uplift them with an encouraging message that you took time to compile. And more often than not, this method has been known to uplift the sender.

Drawing Avatar Smile Clip Art - Baby ...Lastly, can you think of at least three other ways that you could use to encourage someone else to use to encourage and uplift a person who has lost their smile?

20 Interesting Facts About October ...

‘Smile and the world will smile with you’ was specifically penned for the month of October, a season when the clocks go back, and more and more people is suffering from SAD, and the days get shorter, colder and darker.

~Written by Lady Dawnecia Palmer


September signifies CHANGE, the passing on of  bright, dry, hot, sunny, summer days and nights, towards a darker, wetter, cooler, duller weather, in most parts of the world.

Important Days in September 2024 ...But change is not a bad thing. Change can mean opportunity for something new and fresh, for growth and transformation to take place, in and around us.

Are you ready for change?


Each September we get to commemorate World Awareness Days as well as National Celebrations and Holidays. September  2024 is World Alzheimer’s Month.

Below are just a few I have chosen  for you:                                                                13th       World Sepsis Day, Roald Dahl Story Day

15th       World Lymphoma Day,  International Day of Democracy

16th       Male Cancer Awareness Week

17th       Constitution Day                                                                                                

18th        Adult Learners Organ Donation & National Eye Health Week

20th       National Fitness Day (UK)

21st         International Day of Peace, World Alzheimer’s Day, World Gratitude Day

26th       World Contraception Day, European Day of Languages

27th        World Tourism Day

29th       World Heart Day, World’s Biggest Coffee Morning,

September month 2024 calender, Calendar, bookings, planning, schedule, instant, printable, digital download image 1



Find it here: Awareness Days in August, 2024

79,400+ August Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art - iStock | Summer, Hello august, SeptemberBright, Sunny, Cheerful, Summer, Sunflowers and Poppies, Flower Shows, Vacation, Beaches, Sandcastles, Spades, Flipflops, and Picnic Fun, are just a few words that quickly comes to mind when I think about August. I love this month, placed in the middle of the season, where we get to remember and celebrate great National and International Awareness Days.

Blog by – Lady Dawnecia Palmer

August | Special Days of the Year - The Fact Site


01    National Black Business Month (UK)

07    International Youth Day

08    World Cat Day

09    World Indegious Peoples Day/Book Lovers

12     World Elephant Day

18    International Never Give Up Day

19    World Humanitarian Day/World Photo Day

22    International day for comemorating victims of of acts of violence based on belief/religion

23    Slavery/Abolition Rememberance Day

26    World Women Equality Day

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APRIL 2024

April showers!! We certainly are seeing a lot of showers here in the UK! according to Wiki one of the major causes of the often heavy downpours is the position of the jet stream. In early spring, the jet stream starts to move northwards, allowing large depressions to bring strong winds and rain in from the Atlantic.

With all this rain we can expect to see much growth over the coming weeks and months, and thankfully it will also get warmer, and opportunity to walk out in nature without the heavy wellies, overcoats, and brollies!!

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April gets its name from the latin ‘aperire,’  meaning ‘ to open’ in reference to the opening of the fresh buds and their new flowers just coming out for spring.

White, yellow and red are the three main colours for April. Combined they symbolize purity, innocence, clarity, sunshine, and positiveity

There are only 30 days in April joining September, June, and November, which also has  30 days!


The Christian celebrations in April are Palm Sunday (April 2) Maundy Thursday (April 6th) Good Friday (April 7th) and Holy Saturday (April 8th). Easter Sunday (9th April).  The Jewish Pasover 2024 starts on the 22nd ending on the 30th April. In the Islamic tradition this years Eid al-Fitr marks the ending of Ramadam 2024, on April 9th. Ramadam It is the month in which Muslims observe a strict fast from dawn until sunset.

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Here are 7 International Days in April

2   World Autism Day

7   UN World Health Day/Rememebrance of Victims of Rwanda’s Genocide

15   World Arts Day

22   Mother Eath Day/April Showers day

23   World Book and Copyright Day

28   World Health and Safety at Work Day

30    World Jazz Day

Blog by #LadyDP





NOVEMBER 2023 – Important World Awareness Days, Thanksgiving, Harvest, and A Prayer for November

The month of November is the eleventh month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of autumn, and THANKSGIVING Holiday for America!

This year Thanksgiving Day is November 23rd. It always falls on the fourth Thursday of the month, this is a rule set by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941.

Thanksgiving (United States) - WikipediaNew England and Virginia colonists originally celebrated days of fasting, as well as days of thanksgiving, thanking God for blessings such as harvests, ship landings, military victories, or the end of a drought. These were observed through church services, accompanied with feasts and other communal gatherings.

Give Thanks Thanksgiving Party Letter Banner Decoration 36 - Etsy UKBig Dot Of Happiness Happy Thanksgiving - Fall Harvest Party Decorations Party Banner : TargetAnd although Thanksgiving is not celebrated in the UK, the harvest part of it is still celebrated by many churches and most schools today.

In Canada, Thanksgiving is a little more low key than it is for Americans, nonetheless, it is a time for families to gather and enjoy a turkey dinner while celebrating the harvest.

According to WIKI, as well as America and Canada, Thanksgiving is  celebrated in Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island.

Thanksgiving brings famlies of all ages together.

Adult son ditching family Thanksgiving dinner this year

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There are many different styles of Menus, each year becoming more lavish overtime.Thanksgiving Menu Template Editable Download Fall Menu image 1

Here is a simple Thanksgiving Dinner Menu below:

Thanksgiving Menu image 1

November is the month to remind us of all the positive things around us. From kindness day to thanksgiving day, November has many dates for us to remember the positivity.

Starting with Day 1 World Vegan Day

The Vegan Society came into being in November 1944. They took the initiative to start this day on their 50th anniversary in 1994. They chose 1 November as the date of the establishment was not clear. The idea is to promote veganism by highlighting its benefits.

1st and 2nd All Saints and All Souls

The 1st is a  day is to honor all the saints across the globe. It is a Christian festival. It falls on different dates in different countries. Pope Gregory III made a chapel to honor all saints on 1 November (731-741) in Rome.

The 2nd is the day of the dead. This day is to commemorate all the souls who have died. It is a Christian festival. Christianity believes that there is a connection between those in heaven and those living.

10th   World Science Day. UNESCO made this day official in 2001 and the first celebration took place in 2002. The idea is to highlight the importance of science for society’s development.

1th    Armistice Day / Remembrance Day / Veterans Day. The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was an armistice between the allies and Germany to end World War I. this took place on 11 November 1918. The treaty of Versailles ( formal Peace agreement ) was signed in 1919.  The first celebration took place in Buckingham Palace, London. The idea is to remember the soldiers and civilians who lost their lives during the war.

13th   World Kindness Day –  The World Kindness Movement led to the introduction of this day in 1998. The first celebration took place in 2009 in many countries. The idea is to promote positive energy and kindness around the world. The theme for 2019 was “Empathy”.

Then on the 16 th following on from Kindness Day is  – World Tolerance Day. UNESCO made this day official in 1995. They aim to highlight the dangers of intolerance. They promote understanding and peace between different cultures and diversity.

25th   International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The Mirabal sisters stood against the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. They were killed on 25 November 1960. The Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encuentros took the initiative to start this day in 1981.  The idea is to discourage violence and highlight the challenges faced by women. The UN made this day official in 1999. The theme for 2019 was “Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Violence to Women.

30th St Andrews Day.  It is the feast day of Andrew the Apostle. He was one of the primary disciples of Jesus. It is the national day of Scotland. The churches across the country celebrate this day with a big feast.

Fourth Thursday of November.  It is the harvest festival of the United States. It is the start of the winter holiday season. The central idea is to have a thanksgiving dinner. The dishes are mainly turkey, potato, pumpkin pie, cranberries, etc. It is a national holiday in the US. The Friday after Thanksgiving is Black Friday. It is because the sale goes up for the holiday season from this day.

The above are just a few of the world important dates and days.



Dear Lord and LIFE, Giver of days, and life of all, we are grateful for this Fall, and for the wonderful gifts this season brings. A time to ruminate on the goodness of provisions, and the many blessings we enjoy today. Receive our prayers of thanksgiving, with humble appreciation. Amen.

~ Blog & Prayer by Reverend Dr. Dawnecia Palmer, Fall 2023




Dear Lord and Life, Governor and Keeper of all that is committed into Thy care, Master of thoughts wind, waves, The One-unique-verse, LIFE Itself,

Please on this 1st day of September 2023, by your sweet and most glorious, perfected, hallowed self, oh yes hallowed and never hollowed Self, reign. For in fullness you reign supreme, above as you do below, around as you are amidst, yeah, yes, you reign –  evenly purely, goodly, effectively, fully – always. Aww yes Blessed Always, at the centre core! In all of these wonder-full, excel-length,  awe-Full,  numberless names we call you, for indeed there are countless inaudible names, not yet written in this tiny man-fashioned vocabulary of ours.  I activate each of them and with pure intention pray,  intercede,  making my thoughts audible, to request your patronage, your attention, your presence, power and grace, your forgiveness and your guidance, my dear Lord, dearest law of the universe. Oh yes, I pray for your leading.

Lead and guide. Lead and guide us please, sweet Pacifier. Pacify, guide, and lead, and cause hearts to look to thee, to look to you to lead our ships, this mortal temple of ours, in the ways that lead us to good, to be good, and to do right, in our thoughts first of all.
Yes. Please, lead in this our mothership – of organs, and nerves. Fully cement, fix, afix your signature of goodness in our conscience, tune, and fine-tune us until the needle of our awareness and inner resolve is set to be, and to do good, is in direct likeness to thine own goodness, even as the long and short needle of a clock’s interface when perfectly aligned as one, strikes the midday and midnight gong, so in like manner, acutely atune us in likeness, until all, all our attention and awareness, is made conscious, of your goodness, as our very own! Until one is found in person alike, as was pre-destiny, pre-designed be good, so very, very, good.

May goodness rule, and overrule as necessary, our stubborn wills. to save us from wondering, and straying, into useless, wantings, longings, lustful, and yearnings.

Please, O please, attend our way, and as you do, let us awaken to this truth. And not only am I asking for your leader-ship and guidance, to the way, but to awaken in our awareness the liberating truth that you are the way, the peace we yearn for, the goodness we requrie, and the supply we need.

So, on this first day of September, rebirth us in our inhalation, on each breath, an acute awareness of goodness, possibility, joy, and  everlasting stream of opportunities. Let this, be so for me, and  everyone else, especially, for the youths and our elders. Releasing us from  bondages of ancestral pains.

Lead, and guide those in government offices,  and those with titles of leadership which entiltes them to make demands on those under their leadership to do good and to perform well, may they lead and guide having first been guided and led by goodness themselves. For it is only until leadership leads from an acute awareness of goodness within, can there be any peace at all, or safety on our streets. For it is only when goodness reigns supreme in wills, that destruction, pain, and loss shall cease.

As I started, dear Lord and Light, Governor and Master good, I commit these words, humbly asking you to lead guide and protect, throughout the rest of September. Amen and Thank you.

A Prayer for September was written and read by Reverend Dr Dawnecia Palmer aka #LadyDP #LadyP

Although it is the ninth month of the year the word september comes from a Latin word meaning “seven.” It is considered the first month of Autumn. Scriptually it is the first of the Fall Feasts, the Feast of Trumpets, and the Creation week. It is also represents completion, fulfillment, and spiritual transformation.