As we welcome June with glee, the stalk realization that we are already at the half-way point in the year! How quickly time is passing us by, we hardly get through a single day list of chores, must do’s and should do’s before the other is upon us!
June, the beginning month to Summer 2022, I am totally excited, and looking forward to sun, and sea, swim and sand, and picnics in the park!
Here below are a few June events, National, and International Special Days
1 World Milk Day
3 World Bicycle Day
5 World Environment Day
7 World Caring Day
12 World Day Against Child labour
14 World Blood Donor Day
15 Magna Carta Day
18 International Picnic Day
19 /Father’s Day World Sickle Cell Day
20 World Refuge Day
21 International T-Shirt Day – First Day of Summer 2022/World Music Day, World Peace & Prayer Day
23 International Olympics Day
26 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Happy June! Stay Safe!!