A time of Refreshing…

May is indeed a time of refreshing as it is a time of hope.

As we advance toward the half-year mark we stand on this one step that stands, as it were, between what has been, and what is possible.

So here we get to engage and participate the greatest opportunity of our lifetime, the opportunity to choose.

What will your choices be?  Here you are given the chance to step in and step up, to the helm of your destiny: your unfolding.

Who and what am I? This fundamental question from which answers might well determine the rest of the year, the rest of your life.

At the core, you are the stuff from which you were beautifully formed. Designed to prosper in health and strength, beauty and love. All you could ever wish for and more that these are already within you. This, my friend, is the truth of your beingness.

Image result for mayAnd so, realising the truth about your essence will inform your choices going forward.

The way ahead is clear, inviting you to enter thereon, in the knowing that all is well and better still that all shall be well.

May each of us for the all of us, echo the soul’s sweet refrain ‘and so it is!’

And so it is.


Magnificence is knocking at the door of your soul

Open up, open up wide and shut out the noise of your mind

Rip down walls so carefully erected around your heart these many years

The time is now. It’s ok. Open up and let magnificence in.

Image result for get out noise It is your birthright, it is your destiny

Crafted in love, you were brought to earth to soar

Lay hold on yourSelf, you cannot fail

Underneath lay the eternal, invincible arms of love.


Image result for get out noiseYou were destined for greatness

You are magnificent.