The Path of Magnificence

My Path of Magnificence is strewn with infinite possibilities

It is as wide as it is ongoing: no end in sight, having entered thereon.

There is no turning back, each step is a beauty-fullness realization of bliss: beauty in absolute

Here the soul sings “O to be this satisfied each and every day, surely this is the Magnificent Way.

Lady Dawnecia Palmer, August 2020


Who dares win…

The path of magnificence is open to all, Eligibility is our life’s breath. Daily making space within our cluttered minds to entertain silence is the fiercest exercise we must undertake.

This is no place for the fainthearted or disillusioned ego filled backbenchers, but for brave men and women, boys and girls. Eager to soar from the plains inhibited below, they soar high above the terrains of doubts or fears or guilt and pride.

Up and Up they rise Image result for brillianceand shine. Shining as the noonday sun on crystal clear, their magnificence beaming, streaming, every cloud dismissed. The mist too has taken wings and flown away, no more caught in the imaginative gaze. The gloom has passed and everything is never so clear.

Just a little further… far must I go you say? How high must I jump? Why must I wait? To these and more shout “Begone” and take the stand. Stand up for that which is yours by divine right. It is our birthright. Our legacy, yours, and mine.

Magnificence is the way, the light, and life. A truth that you must not deny. Go on then, take up thy cross, thy excuses no more to follow, but to the podium of faith, your crown of well-done awaits. Amen.



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    2017 New Year’s Message

    May Magnificence find an open sign at your soul’s door and may on entering in finds a welcome, and on dwelling there find a fully surrendered attendant, a humble steward, an open heart.

    Image result for new year 2017No gold, diamonds nor pearls can compare to the strength, power, affluence, and influence, of the most powerful thing on above and beneath the earth… Life … and It is available and accessible to you in every breath.  May you become so conscious of your life, in each breath you inhale, for there you will find Magnificence, the life of God.

    And that dear one is the supermagnifabulocious way to enjoy health and vitality, peace and love, abundance and favor in 2017.

    Peace and Blessings to you, your household and all you do.

    Reverend Dawnecia Palmer

    The Path of Magnificence


    Magnificence the very essence of your soul, silently it bids you comeImage result for magnificence

    Bids you now to look away from the external clutter of distracting sounds of yesteryears,

    And to simply turn within.

    On turning within, you hear in gentlest of tones

    What can only be described as the magnificence of one’s soul,

    No sweeter sound hath the earth known.

    And so, at this moment, you become totally aware, without judgment of any sort,

    You know for a certainty that this is right, and you are home, as if for the very first time.

    'The Path of Magnificence' written by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer, 28th September 2016

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    A Beautiful Life

    “Life is so beautiful. Full of splendor and rapturous beauty and grace.

    Now let this life live you, and have its being as you, on each inhalation it enters, and there offers an opportunity to experience and express as living magnificence.

    And so today, right now, in this realization of seeing this Magnificent Life as your life, you begin to move into your truest self, the one you are meant to be.

    Wow! Life is indeed SO Beautiful!”

    Meditating Life by Dawnecia Palmer April 2016

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      The Soul Surrender

      Life is always looking for a way to shine ITS magnificence through you, as you.

      In the soul’s surrender there the light of the Divine shineth Its light, thy magnificence in form, for all the world to see.

      Your doubts and fears of this exposure to illumination have been the cause of your pain and struggles all this while. Now, in the glow of this truth, allow all shadows to fall away, like a dismantled cloak from your shoulders, let it fall.

      And so, Now, illumination as thy perfect light springs forth, as from night to day, impossibility to passability. We simply let it be, and so IT IS. Amen.

      – Written by Dawnecia Palmer 2016 

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