Life is always happening at the speed of kindness and love.

Life’s infinite intelligence, beauty, and magnificence, is played out on the platform of one’s soul.

And we experience this blissful life as we seek to live consciously from the soul.

Life is sending you a clarion call today.

Come! enter your rest.



Heavenly messages in the sky…

The Heavens declare                           the Glory of God

The Skies reflect the beauty of Life’s countenance

The Earth responds with a resounding YES!



Blog words inspired mainly by a collaboration of pictures by Mr. Anthony Kaspruk and Lady Dawnecia Palmer, cornfield kindly from Google pics

The Path of Magnificence

My Path of Magnificence is strewn with infinite possibilities

It is as wide as it is ongoing: no end in sight, having entered thereon.

There is no turning back, each step is a beauty-fullness realization of bliss: beauty in absolute

Here the soul sings “O to be this satisfied each and every day, surely this is the Magnificent Way.

Lady Dawnecia Palmer, August 2020


Consider THIS…..

Consider this…how beautiful, absolutely wonderful, marvellous, excruciatingly magnificent is Life Itself. How powerful this truth is without dissection of judgement, fear and scrutiny. How gloriously magnificent is Life, O yes it is. It need none to speak Its praise. It is all sustaining, unending. Alive, neither death nor ending knowing. It is its alwaysness and wordless beauty which sweetens the soul. Consider this.

 – written by Dawnecia Palmer 5th July 2016