September 7th or 9th month? September has as its base Septem meaning seven in Latin. Seven representing heavenly and divine. Later it became the 9th month when two months were added to the then Calendar. Nine representing wisdom and a season of vast possibilities. Nine letters in its name!
September The deep blue tone of sapphire its colour!
September ending of the warm months and the beginning towards the much cooler. A change in seasons and therefore energies as well. O how we needs refresh ourselves, revitalizes our energies. As we allow what has served its time to fall, we give space to shed, reassess, and revitalise.
September 2022, what is certain is that you are alive and a part of it, and this make for a great celebration! Another thing that is certain, is that each day is absolutely unique; it has never been here before, and never shall be again! So live and enjoy each day with glee, and celebration, with gratitude of heart and thanksgiving etched in your soul. May it be for you a Happy, happy September each and everyday!!! written by ~ Lady Dawnecia Palmer
😊🌻🎉Thank you..for such an insightful..refreshing September Message…Many Bountiful Blessings🌼
Aww how kind of you to say. We are glad you found the message inspiring and insightful. We aim to uplift and encourage. Thank you and wishing you a blessed day and week ahead.
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Thank you so much Shuanna-lee Samuel for your encouraging review and blessing. Sincere apologies for delayed response. Peace and Blessing your way.
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