How quickly May came and went!
June, of brighter sunnier days, and longer lighter evenings.
It is the second of the shorter months with 30 days.
June was named after the Roman goddess Juno. It is taken from an archaic word luno meaning young, suggesting vitality, radiant energy, growth and fertility! As well as a strong connection to motherhood and femininity; it holds space for the patron parent Zeus here representing fatherhood, thus making it a month representing ‘Balance’ on the presentness of the mother and father. Fathers Day is celebrated this year on Sunday 18th June.
It has been known for young couple choosing this month to get married. There are a few precious stones, plant, and flowers, associated with June. The stones are Alexandrite, moonstone, and pearl. And strength and fertility of the oak, and the intoxicatingly beautiful scent of the honeysuckle and rose.
There are many interesting global days of awareness and celebrations ahead! Below is a short list we created for you:
5 to the 11th Bike Week/Child Safety Week/Global Heart Rhythm Week
9 Smile Day/Candy Day
12 to 18th Mens’ Health Week
14 World Blood Donor Day
15 World Elder Abuse Awareness day/Beer Day UK
16 World Refill Day
17 International Surfing Day/ Combat Desertification & Drought Awareness Day
18 International Picnic Day
19 to 25th Rose Awareness Week/Refuge Awareness Week/Learning Disability Week
20 World Refugee Day/
21 World Music Day/ Global MND Awareness day/National Indigenous Peoples Day (Canada) National Peaches and Cream Day (USA), National Writing Day (UK)
21 Summer Solstice – longest day/International Yoga Day
23 International Women in Engineering Day/International Widows Day
24 World Sand Dune day
25 National Catfish Day (USA)/UN International Day in SuppVictims of Torture
26 to 30th World Wellbeing Week /International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
27 International Sunglasses Day/National PTSD Awareness Day
29 International Day of the Tropics
A PRAYER FOR JUNEFor the joys of sunshine, I am grateful. For the beauty of sea and sand, and all the vastness of nature in the great outdoors, I give thanks. For open air celebrations, and fun activities planned around summertime this month, my soul rejoices.
Ice-cream, pop-cycle, barbecues, picnics in the park, longer days, and cool evening walks, The beautiful mix of colours and smell of flowers, fills the air under the blanket of a clear blue sky,
For all these and more, O so much more! I bless, appreciate, and give thanks. Amen. ~ #LadyDP