GLORIOUS DECMEMBER & A Merry Christmas to all!

Twelfth and last Month of the Year according to the Julian and Gregorian Calendars! Unusual that it the twelfth, as it stems from Latin word Decem meaning Tenth.

O how we Welcome this season which for many is filled with well-wishes, joy, cheerfulness, festivities, gifts exchanges, family gatherings, gala and merriment of all sorts!!


Here is a short-list of Special Awareness Days being celebrated this Month:


1                        Advent Begins

1                        World Aids Day

1                        Rosa Parks Day

2                       Day for Abolition of Slavery

3                       Word Day for the Handicapped

5                       International Volunteer Day

7                      Hanukkah

10                     Human’s Rights Day

11                      UNICEF Day – United Nations

16                     Jane Austen’s Day

20                    International Solidarity Day

21                     Winter Solstice

23                     Mawlid el Nabi

25                    Christmas Day

26                    Kwanza

31                     New Year’s Eve

A Prayer for December:

As we enter this season of festivities and merriment we wish to remember those who are poor and struggling, feeling alone and lonely, or grieving the loss of loved ones.

“May  Peace and warmth, food, kindnesses, love, and comfort be brought to those who grieve, are alone and lonely, grieving and suffering loss of loved ones. This is my prayer, this is my hope. I let it be. Amen.” ~ Lady Dawnecia Palmer


Christmas Eve - WikipediaChristmas Morning Service on ‘YouTube LU LIFE CHURCH’




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