December, beginning of winter, twelfth, and last, and first of the three coldest months of the year! December solstice marks the shortest day north of the equator and the longest day in the south. Yet, despite the damp, darker days, shorter evenings, and much darker nights, it is still a special time of the year.

For it is at December that the Christmas tree goes up, with its bright, sparkly lights, and jingle bells songs; the warmth of fireplaces, and the delicious scent of spiced hot-toddies.. of cinnamon, cloves, lemon mingled with rum, brandy or whisky.. fills the air around pretty Christmas Markets stalls usually held in the centre of many downtown this time of year.

It has long been acknowledged that though December is not really the authentic time period that the boy Jesus was born, nevertheless, it is the month that has been designated on the calendar for us to commemorate his miraculous birth, and the wonderful stories these offers us.

Christmas stories of angels singing in he highest, as well as of them coming down to earth to speak with humans.  They tell of wise men and astrologers seeing a new star appearing in East, and travelling out with their precious gems of gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh, to offer to the new king.

And it is this Christmas Story that give the narrative for the endearing nativity scene, where we see Joseph, and a  young mother and her child neatly tucked in warm swaddling clothes lying in a manger in a stable, along with angels, shepherds, and animals.  A Saviour to earth has come. And it is these stories which creates the backdrop for our carols today.

December, there are beautiful festive lights everywhere in lands far, and near. It is the season  for shopping for presents, exchange of gifts, visiting with loved ones and friends, eating grand, and more than usual merriment.


December, represents a time when things of nature sleep, hidden within roots, boughs, clouds, and buildings as well as the realm of soul. And within the hush of this hidden dark there is also an unfolding, as the planet, nature and species, having turned inwards, unveil a freshness so that out of the dark and hidden appear new inspiration, new directions, and hopefully for us humans a deeper understanding of what was, what is, and what could be.

Christmas Blog by Lady Dawnecia Palmer, December 2024


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