Are you searching for the Answer?

Well, you need not search anymore. The answer to the questions you are searching for, are already within you, wishing to be expressed as you. This is the reason that you keep asking the same questions over and over. Of course they are rephrased a little differently after a little while, but nonetheless there is a subtle hint of your knowing in the asking. Right? The truth being that you have an idea about what you are asking and seeking the confirmation that you are right. And you are right! Can you see that now? The truth is that the answer lies inside of you, every right decision to be made, every how should I do this?

You see, the intelligence of all Life force is already in you, encoded within your system, and each inhalation of breath is the opportunity to access. But we become so busy with age and time, we find that we get caught up in the rubble of the external chatter, that we cease to hear the clarion gong of the wisdom and all knowingnes of Silence.

You did not happen upon this page purely by chance, but predetermined through the divine matrix of eternity. And so this page as talisman that whatever time it is visited, by whomever, it will always be the right time, the exact moment for you to experience transformation. The answer is always present but we are nearly always absent to it. Therefore it must needs find ways of grasping our attention, so that we may look aside; rather like Moses. Moses was a man that lived on earth a very long time ago, the story says he saw a tree ablaze but not burnt, it also said that he heard a voice speaking from with the fire. On hearing the words, and seeing no one present, nevertheless, he turned aside to hear what was being said. I believe that this was a divine projection of His inner knowing, too deep to access but manifested thus, so that he could hear and know. So he heard, and had his first AHA moment, an eclipse with his divinity and destiny, he opened up and was thereby shifted and changed forever. The story goes on to say that he became a champion of a people and led them to safety with many victories from their enemies over and over again.

Moses was a man that lived on earth a very long time ago, the story says he saw a tree ablaze but not burnt, it also said that he heard a voice speaking from with the fire. On hearing the words, and seeing no one present, nevertheless, he turned aside to hear what was being said. I believe that this was a divine projection of His inner knowing, too deep to access but manifested thus, so that he could hear and know. So he heard, and had his first AHA moment, an eclipse with his divinity and destiny, he opened up and was thereby shifted and changed forever. The story goes on to say that he became a champion of a people and led them to safety with many victories from their enemies over and over again.

To be or not to be? that is the question? Is it grand to worry and make plans after plans for the future which often disappoint? Is it noble to suffer rage and fits of fury against yourself or another? Is it sensible to go on cursing an entity you say you do not even believe exists yet you blame for your shame? Or perhaps you believe do in God but feels bugged down almost suffocated by your many question of the seemingly injustices, inequalities, lusts and greed and myriad of distractions to the promise you one held dear, peace?

Then you must be still. Turn aside even. And know that right there, here, all is well. All is very well, in fact all is extremely magnificent, and is as it should be. And so in this millisecond of a moment, life happens, and all is clear. With judgment out the way, there is the clarity that had been waiting to reveal itself to you. The good of goodness and right of rightness must now manifests through you, as you, your words, your actions, you.

You can revisit and reread this page as a place to reboot, as many times as you find yourself searching for the answer. Truth is always fresh and relevant. So arise within thyself, and in no time,  you will see the unraveling of your many questions when you do.

-Wisdom words script by Dawnecia Palmer Equinox 2016

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