When we think that we have been denied, abused, ill-treated, taken for granted, then, we either go low or set an intention to rise above.
When we go low we allow toxins to build up and multiply inside our system, clogging the arteries and shutting out the light, we lose our spark and illness ensue.
Whilst in our rising high, we invite the good endorphins to activate, sending messages across our systems to wake up, we become alert and highly motivated.
And so, this year, make an intention of keeping your vibrations high. Let nothing and no one intimidate or shape your mode.
Steer your course to excel, to stay afloat, to stay awake.
Extend the wings of your imagination, the doorway to the heavenly realms of infinite possibilities. And step out into the open portal of self-forgiveness, and feel into the healing falls of divine grace and beauty, allowing it to bathe your senses.
Create pockets of time within your day, each day, just to sit and appreciate the space that is you, taking in the awesome realisation that this is it. That this is all there really is, and here, surrender into this truth by letting go. Risk joy, it is possible. Risk rest, It is possible too.
Inhale deeply, and with your consciousness, of every fibre of your being, hold that breath in gratitude, for as long as you can, then, on your exhale feel yourself rise. Now say, “and so it is” – and so it is. Amen.
Penned by Dawnecia Palmer – Cleric, Soul Doctor & 21st-century Mystic