April the opening of Spring, offering showers of blessings upon open hearts.
It is the month for remembrance of Easter and the Ressurection.
It is also the beginning of a month-long Ramadan culminating with Eid.
It is National Deaf History month, as well as World Health Day.
It is the celebration of ‘birth month’ for many with birthdays in April.
As well as other celebrations and remembrances, such as anniversaries and memorials.
But, whatever April held for you in bygone years, I am inviting you to seize each new day that you awake, with fresh, heartfelt celebration, appreciation, and gratitude.
Life offers us a month-long shower of Blessings; blessings of every kind, for all who are open, and ready, to receive it.
Come then to the fount, with open hearts and souls, leaving behind the cluttered, suspicious, lamenting, mind; and the twisted, vindictive, wills.
For here, at April’s spring, joy awaits you. Her lavish treasures to bathe, and soothe.
And so as you enter in, may you find that the Month of April 2021 is for you a Month of fresh growth and moving forward in new and positive ways.
April Showers of Blessing written by Lady Dawnecia Palmer.