LULC Syllabus 2022 – 2023

LIFE UNIVERSECITY LC 2022 to 2023 Course Syllabus

Course Overview


Rev Dawnecia Palmer


Soul Health Education for Personal development and The Soul Health Clinic using the modality of The Magnificent Way principles, to awaken one’s inner capacity to realise, attain and maintain a healthy soul, emotional wholeness, and physical wellbeing.


+44 07508390298


Online Class, class integration, personal practise, feedback, homework & Exams


Office Location

Old Fishponds Library ,  Fishponds Road. Bristol. B16 3HU


  • To discover the infinite, limitless potential to live magnificent lives every day.
  • Learn cutting edge techniques to expand one’s capacity to manage and ease physical and emotional pain. Learn how thoughts affect our cells and genes and impact our actions.
  • To acquire the wisdom, understanding and confidence to face difficult situations, transcend, overcome, and transmute doubt, fear, lack, and limitation.
  • And obtain the necessary skills and tools to enable better decisions and right choices.

Course materials                        Handouts/selected texts

Required Qualifications          N/A

Course Schedule:  Terms 5 & 6 Year 3 Undergraduate   September 2022  to Dec 2023

September, October, November, December 2022 

SOULIFICATION  4 Part In-depth exploration into the realm of soul, and humanity’s role with connection to the Divine, for everyday wisdom and guidance.

  • Part 1  September                        Utilizing the Self by becoming Prayer
  • Part 2 October                             Applied Grace for Order and Function
  • Part 3 November                        Living Continual Favour
  • Part 4 December                        Beyond Breakthrough

December  & January  Winter Break – HOMEWORK

Biodiversity Fieldtrip Narrows Way Nature Reserve. St. Werburghs

February, March, APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2023

Schedules for 2023 will be announced mid-November 2022 

**Practitioners Core starts Sept 2023 – May 2024   

Undergraduate Exam Schedule: Sat 6th May 2023 Full Course Recap / 3rd June 2023 Exam.

** NB Homework Policy: Tutor-directed research with written work handed in, gains points towards exam results.

Examination Results: Sat 17th May 2023.

Undergraduate Certificate/Graduation Ceremony: Saturday 24th June 2023





Life Universecity LC 2024 to 2025 plus past Undergraduate Course Syllabus/2018/19/20/21/22/23

LIFE UNIVERSECITY LC 2023 to 2024 Course Syllabus


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 Previous Years Syllabus’ below

2022 – 2023

2021 – 2023

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Due to COVD-19 the end date for the course is extended to May 2023


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On the 18th of May 2019 Life Universecity LC launched its JDFoundation. The Faculty and Regents of LifeUand JDF team members have been particularly excited about the future of the project.

For the next stage, we will be seeking a Royal Patronage for our Cause. He or she will be someone who shares our passion to support Limb-loss and Disfigured individuals and their families as well as support for building a strong and resourceful LULC Alumni resource. This will be a major encouragement in raising awareness and boosting morals.

Signed by HLS Lady Dwanecia Palmer
Chief Executive Life Universecity JDFoundation Fund
– June 2019

LAUNCH DAY 18th May 2018

We had around 20 people in attendance on the day. The event was a follow on from the Class of 2019 Graduation Ceremony and Reception.
The inset picture shows the recipients of our first JDF Alumni funding.
We collected $125 on the day and donated the funds to Posthumus Alumni Dwayne Williams (aka ‘JD’) family

Photograph of Our launch day
Inset pic: far right is Shinya the youngest of hs three children, kneeling his brother Micheal, far left ‘Bubbly’ Mother of his children) This will go towards a dayout we arranged for the family with virtual reality sessions with one of LULC student in town and a family lunch.
Photograph of Our launch day


Meet the team
In the News
Heroes Wall
Viewpoint – with Interviews
JDF Fundraiser Ambassador
Become a Member
Disfigured Awareness
Behind the scenes
What’s On
How you can help to raise money for our Fund and other Limb-loss and Disfigured Services
Have your say…

See What Some Students Are Saying….

Image result for what students are saying

From my first encounter with Rev Palmer and Breathology I knew deep down that this would help me and it was what my soul and body was searching for in a quest to heal. I was not disappointed.I was diagnosed with a paralysed right diaphragm and researched that breathing exercises would help me so Breathology seemed like the answer.
I got more than proper breathing exercises from joining LifeU, I got a new lease on life, I got answers to many of life’s challenges and coping mechanisms that would remain with me throughout the rest of my experience on earth as LIFE experiences itself through me.
I moved from focusing on dis-ease to focusing on wellbeing. I moved from questions to answers, from challenges to solutions.
I have learnt so very much and I thank Rev Palmer for answering, obeying and following LIFE’s call for her earth experience.   I have absolutely no hesitation in encouraging everyone to attend LifeU and learn about your body, spirit and soul. These courses should be standard in schools at primary, secondary, college and six form straight through to University because with an understanding of yourself and LIFE like this you will only excel. I am sorry that I never discovered this earlier in my experience but I am grateful that I found it now.

Margaret Dillon. 63 year old Accountant. London. UK


My name is Shuanna-lee Samuel, I am a Mother to 2 Beautiful girls, and I’m from Bristol U.K.

It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to be a student on the LIFE University LU Life Class.
When I look back to where I was a few years ago, to where i am now… all I can say is ‘Transformation’✨😊

I have learnt So much.. from the Importance of Soul Health, for Overall Health and Wellbeing, Conscious Awareness, Scientific Insights, the Importance of Understanding how our organ’s function..One of the highlights for me, has been ‘Breathology’..i have learnt how to breathe Appreciate My Breath is LIFE, LIFE is Breath.. Breathing Me✨. .what a phenomenon, I will never take My Breath for granted again ..23,040 breaths a day✨

Our classes are always jam-packed with interesting and challenging insights, giving me the skills and tools to use as i navigate my journey.

These classes have transformed my mindset.. causing me to become Consciously Aware and able to operate on a higher frequency. Also to become the Best Mother I can be to my 2 girls.

I would absolutely recommend this Course to All, you too can experience Total Transformation😊✨

I’d like to Thank My Dear Tutor Rev Palmer, for her tireless hours of Exemplary and the highest quality of teaching, patience, support, and Encouragement. My deepest Gratitude for sharing your Gift and Awareness with us.

Shuanna-lee Samuel, Assistant School Teacher. Artist, singer, song writer. Entrepreneur. Bristol. UK



‘ I have found the Course really helpful and encouraging with great feedback.  It has a friendly student environment, with good interactions and encouragement from each other’

Marion, Retired. Bristol.  UK.


Elvis Joojo Amoah
Accra -Ghana,Africa.

To start with I really must commend Rev.Palmer and the whole LifeU community for embracing me and transforming my ways of life from worry to contentment.
I have been on a scholarship throughout the class and I am grateful for the knowledge and realizations acquired so far,the practice of This knowledge is important as kind courtesy LifeU church I have been able to set up my foundation have benefited so much by simply joining this class .
Glad to have met each and everyone of you .
I’d choose you guys in another life. Bless you.🍾


‘It was good to resume Classes after our long vacation and it is exciting going forward’.

David W Williams. Bristol. UK


‘Love, love the course, it has really opened my mind. I would very much encourage anyone from any walk of life considering a mindfulness course to take this course, it helps in ways you would never have realized.’

Stephen Rapper, Mogul Award winner.  Radio Presenter. Bristol. UK


‘You get a peaceful feeling. I enjoy the simplicity yet depth of the course, the stuff  I learned about like water and breathing, and all other the things we usually take for granted. I just want to live gratefully.  I am looking to gain more awareness and gratitude for life and everything.’ – Josh, Bristol. UK.

Life Universecity LC – Photos

1st Year, 1st Term Oct to Dec 2016




 2nd Term March 2017

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3rd Term September 2017

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2nd Year, 1st Term March 2018 – June 2018

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Apr2018 Class pic


Summer Retreat Water Project at ‘The Well’ – Elsie Briggs House

Click to view >Water life Presentation by Life Universecity

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To view Presentations click > HERE for BW water quality Presentation                                               by Bristol Water Quality Scientist Robert Luckwell

July2 2018 Retreat pic


July 2018 Retreat pic

2nd Term September – December 2018

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3rd Term February – Class Feb class dec Marilyn

                                 October 2019                                                 1st term Year 1 Undergraduate Class

Graduation Day 2019

















2019 TEDx Bristol Students participation



2020 Biodiversity Fieldtrip – Jan, Eastville Pk



2020 EcoSystem/Climate Change – Feb, Oldbury Ct









Life Universecity LC Online Registration Form & PayPal Link

How to fill in the sections below:
  • Please use the Name section to add both your Name and Gender,
  • The Subject section for the list of dates and classes signing up for,
  • and the Message section to add your comments or inquiries.
***  Reminder of Class dates:-
  • First Term             [2023 OCT, NOV, DEC]                                                                           
  • Second Term        [2024 –   FEB, MARCH, APRIL]                                                               
  • Third Term           [2024 –  MAY, JUNE, JULY] 
  • Fourth Term         [2024 – SEPT, OCT, NOV, DEC}
  • Fifth Term             [2025- JAN, FEB, MARCH]
  • Sixth Term            [2025 -APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY]

NOTE: Class Payments  CLICK HERE  to PAY by PayPal directly to Life Universecity LC or PAY HERE VIA EVENTBRITE

**HEADS UP you may experience a series of security prompts on the PayPal site, this is to protect you so PLEASE persevere and log in again, and if the problem persists please feel free to email us at

    Life Universecity’s Upcoming Events, Courses and Classes


    FULL COURSE runs from OCTOBER 2023 to May 2026

    NEW TERM : 3rd Semester starts 1st February 2025 and runs through to August 2025

    LULC offers a rolling registration to register please visit any of the methods below: 

    EVENT BRITE:  To Pay Via Eventbrite  CLICK HERE (easiest/recommended)

    or HERE to use LifeU online form to register and pay via PayPal (you must quote class date when filling out the form)

    or  Our Contact Us page CLICK HERE

    or  Telephone LULC Admin office on 07508390298

    or Email:

    or Take advantage of our Voucher offerpointing fingersLIFE UNIVERSECITY Vouchers 2019-21

    Click HERE for new Syllabus

    Life Universecity LC Soul Health and Wellness Education 
    classes 12.30pm-2.30pm
    Fishponds Old Library, Fishponds Rd. Now on Google Please email or telephone for MeetLink details
    Rolling Administration 1st Sat of the month. New Term starts 7th October 2023
    Vacation Breaks: Summer Jul –Aug / Winter Dec –Jan)
    For info or to register Tel: 07508390298 or Email:

    2021 Flyer


    Click HERE for The Life Universecity LC last Class  

    Continue reading “Life Universecity’s Upcoming Events, Courses and Classes”



    LULC large crest2 (2)

     EthosConscious Awareness, Appreciation and Gratitude, Strength and Loyalty



    Vision, Aims, and Values

    The Life Universecity LC is a prestigious open faculty providing Soul Health Wellbeing Education and Soul Clinic. It is regarded as one of the world’s leading Universecity for Spiritual Wholeness (Consciousness Transformation) and Wellbeing (self-enfoldment, empowerment, and lifelong personal development). All its students are welcome on equal terms.

    LULC was established in the Bristol, West of England, by visionary/founder Her Ladyship The Hon Reverend Dawnecia Palmer AFP OBA  D.HWs (h.c.) DHumLitt; inspired by ideas of The Magnificent Way Principle, Breathology, Breathomics, and Lifeosophy the Science of Soulification

    Life Universecity LC uses the modality of The Magnificent Way principle techniques combining breathwork, mindfulness, inner visioning, nutrition, and environmental behaviours as a way to realize a person’s fullest potential to achieve inner magnificence, peace, better health and wellbeing, an awareness of one’s personal responsibility to contribute in helping to create a better and sustainable Ecological Footprint. 

    LULC operates in a global context and is committed to excellence, the promotion of presence, and oneness in our teaching, learning, and practice.  And as such Classes are open to all people regardless of age, former education, or none.


     Study 1:  Subjects cover very basics biochemistry & physics, numerals in mathematics, biology, environment and ecology, genetics, epigenetics and mindfulness, nutrition, and exercise. 
    Study 2:  Students also have the chance to study other topics and principles pertaining to culture, and how these influence behaviours, set margins, and shape society.
    Community Impact: LifeU is a community self-funding project which provide and promote ongoing learning for the local community; it gives the individual an opportunity or a second chance, to study and learn new self-aware skills, or gain tools which helps to boost overall wellbeing, and create better life experiences.

    Individual Transformation = Global Solution

    IMG-20171210-WA0030 (2)“At LULC you will begin to uncover to discover your infinite, limitless potential to live an amazing magnificent life every day. Here you will be taught new cutting-edge techniques tested and proven to expand one’s capacity to manage and ease physical and emotional pain.  You will gain wisdom and understanding to realize your confidence to help you face and manage difficult situations as they arise. Here you will develop the necessary skills by which you will be enabled to make the right choices every time and to operate as a beneficial presence that impacts and improve the environment and communities around you. At the end of the course, you should be equipped with the necessary skills and tools to help you create innovative ideas for successful enterprises providing stable employment, and a lucrative income.”  – Acting Chancellor


     "The Life Universecity LC is a space to learn about the unlimited power of the breath, the awareness of the soul, and the purpose of the soul for wholeness and wellbeing.  Here students learn how these dynamics craft a sense of infinite wellbeing, experience wholeness to ultimately express magnificence as a way of life.
    Simply! you get to wake up and live the Magnificent Life you’ve been dreaming" -  Dean

        LULC small crest gold graduation hat and scrol





    The Symbols of LULC Crest and their energies are symbolic representations of students achievements

    • Escallop = A successful Commander, charge, leadership
    • Eagle = A person of action, noble nature, power, and strength.
    • Crown = Regal Authority. The three Crowns = Thought, Words, Deeds

    Colours of the Crest and their values: 

    • GOLD = Generosity and Gratitude 
    • BLUE = Strength and Loyalty 
    • GREEN = Conscious Awareness and Appreciation


        See what Students are saying:  HERE

    *Course Requirements: Regular attendance 60%, Written responses, Written assignments 20%, Class discussions and revisions 20%. This is a fluid syllabus. LULC operates a rolling registration policy.

    NB.  Year 5 The Practioner Core Advanced Classes will look into: more indepth subjects of  Soul Health and Wellbeing, conscious business structures, and how to apply the principles learnt as a LULC Wellness Practitioner as means towards creating  lucrative enterprises, employment, and income.

    Continue reading “THE LIFE UNIVERSECITY LC”