Starting 2025 with Pray and Hope!

Dear LIFE,  we call God, Source, Creator, Lord

Thank you for bringing us through every life circumstances to this present moment.

And even though there has been some really tough, difficult times,

Looking back, there has also been some amazing moments too.

2025 business plan matter ...And so, at the very start of 2025, earmarked as ‘LIFE Blessing You Year’


We surrender our supplications, and offer instead our praise, in great expectancy for an outpouring of your promised provision and care.

Looking forward, we ask that when darkness or dangers peruse us, and the road we are on seem rocky and void of hope

Help us. Lift us up. Cause our faith to be renewed, and our hopes restore. Let not fear or doubt overtake us, and continually set reminders in our path

To remind us each day, that Thou art The way, The Light, and The Life.

In Thy kindness, love, and compassion, Lord, please hear our prayer. Amen Ameen, Ashay.

Prayer composed by the Reverend Dr Palmer, Matriarch and Spiritual Leader  LU LIFE CHURCH, global spiritual community portal. January 2025