…But Joy Comes in the Morning

Please, don’t try to tell me it that she is in a better place, no, I want her here with me, that would be the best place

Please, do not try to convince me that it comes to each of us, yes, ok maybe, but.. just not yet

And please, do not ever say to me hush, for I will not be hushed. I will scream at the top of my lungs, I will holla unashamedly, like a baby, and when I am done I will grab the tissue box sitting beside my chair and blow my nose, then slowly I will shred each square into a million tiny pieces

And then, when the day draws to its close I shall sit cross-legged among the darkened shadows in my darkened parlor, and be as silent as the grave, not a whisper, except the tauntings of my own awakened breaths bleating in my chest.

And now so heavy and weary with sobbing all day and numbed with disbelief that she’d been taken away far too soon. No time for rehearsed goodbyes grabbed away swiftly prior to the dawning of our dream.

I thought I’d sit there in the darkness until my skin cleaved to my bones and rot, I also thought about ordering several tubs of ice-cream and chips and that I would gobble them down until I was sick and swelled to bursting, then I would block out.  And I totally blocked out.

As the new day dawned there were no more shadows. It seemed that I had drifted off to sleep somewhere between reaching for the telephone and it falling from my tired swollen fingers and it was now lying on the floor making a horrible hissing sound of an analog female voice prompt ‘please replace the handset’ echoing over and over into the silence.

I replaced the handset and laid there in the stillness for what seems an eternity. It was surreal,  and I would see her face this one last time, it was so delicate.  My eyes were open but I felt as if I was in a dream. It appeared as though she was standing by the window directly across the room from where I was lying,  with arms outstretched in front of her in an invitation to hug, and as I was about to lower my feet to the floor, just like the disappearing silhouette of a shadow, she was gone.

The early morning breeze floated through the slightly open window, gently moving the thin white curtains from side to side. I stared towards the window watching the rise of the glistening morning sun in play and took a deep breath filling my stomach, lungs heart and brain, well, at least that is what it felt like. What happened next was incredible, I exhaled, and it was all gone. All the pain, all the agony, all the anger and torment of yesterday had subsided, and a real sense of acceptance and peace washed over me.

Image result for joy comes in the morningThe healing process afterward was slow with sporadic bouts of tears, and although I was never to envisage her face again, I know that it is etched eternally on my soul never to be erased. With time the sting of death finally lost its grip and gave way to the joyful light of a new dawn.

‘Joy Comes in the  Morning’ written by Dawnecia Palmer (In memory of Charmain Watson 1971-Jan 2020)

When is enough ENOUGH?

It is when you say it is. Enough is enough when you realize that you are.

You are enough. Go ahead and confirm that right now. Say it, “I am Enough.”

Now, close your outer eyes, and become very still as if to listen in appreciation to the sound of your own breathing. As you inhale through your nostrils feel into that tonality of deep gratitude. Hold it for just a few seconds more, then, release with a sensation of great relief, as if a great big bulk has been removed.

Take another deep breath, again with a feeling tonality of deep gratitude, this time you are going to add what I call a thoughtigram of ‘What if I am enough’ allowing the words and thought to merge on the in-breath. If and when you feel yourself becoming slightly uncomfortable, slowly begin to release the breath, out through your lips, becoming very aware, with great senseology ‘Sure, I am enough’

Staying in the moment for a few seconds more repeat steps 1 and 2. Then slowly open your eyelids, feel enough, hear through your inner ear your tune playing your lyrics ‘Honey, you are enough. Notice how you feel throughout your day and if you feel agitated, irritable, anger or getter low, stop and remember ‘I am enough’ or if it is a persistent negative you may need to use the mirror work technique, This is where you use a mirror as a tool to inspire and remotivate you. So, looking into your eyes through the mirror repeat to your reflection, ‘Honey, you are enough.’

You may wish to start your day using the above method, then watch yourself getting better and happier each day.

Decide to make ENOUGH your starting point TODAY!


                Written for your encouragement by Lady Dawnecia Palmer, December 2019


The Way of Wisdom

She sits with me and my way made clear                                                                                                     Whisperings, inaudible pulses reflecting upon my soul.                                                                                   Like a luminous halo invisibly suspended above my head                                                                               And, I know, even though I know do not how I know that I know.

So she is always, always right. Howbeit not in a boastful, vindictive way                                                     But rather as an explosive impulse, to which when heeded                                                                        Makes glad the soul.

She is Spirit. She is Light.

One drop…..

…. yea, just one drop.

One drop from Wisdom’s fountain is enough to last a lifetime.

One sip from her cup satisfies the soul forever.

She was there before there was anything,

Invisible, transparant, unseen, yet from her brilliance all things

All that is, existed, unformed, as the noble thoughts of God.


….One drop. One drop of her potent virtue upon mind

Dissolves your worries fears and doubts.

Make friends with her whilst you can

‘Tis an opportunity you should not, must not, miss.

Miss her at your peril. Find her and hold her close,

She is thy saviour.


….One drop, is all you need, penetrating through bone and marrow,

Slowly filling every part, through the heart, until, reaching the soul

Makes it home,

And Peace be still.


…….. from Reflections on Wisdom, by Dawnecia Palmer, 2016



A little musing with Wisdom

I’d rather enter your heart than your head.

Not to get to own, rather be, for, in being is the fullness of all there is.

Here, where I am, darkness and light are the same.

Seek me and find thyself.

– written by Dawnecia Palmer


“There is nothing new under the sun,

Therefore I must rise above the sun”

-Wisdom Quote 2016 by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer images of ownership

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