Abundant life vs lots of Money

Jesus the Christ, reportedly said, “I have come that you might have life and that you may have it more abundantly.”  I would like to ask you to read the verse again, but perhaps a little slower this time around. And as you read I am asking you to please take notice if you find the mention of money or things. Of course, you will find that he did not and that there is not. There is not the slightest hint of money there. Yet, so many preachers and teachers, and people peddling their wares over the years have all used this verse to imply that the Master Teacher was talking about money.  But, he was not.

You and I know that Life carries no purse. Yet, it is the stuff by which everything is made, being uncontainable, lucid, unembellished, and of unmeasurable value.  It alone remains constant in an ever-changing, depreciating, world of form.

Money has the value-worth humanity ascribes it.  It has been said that money saves time, but many people spend their precious time trying to conserve it. And others are frustrated because the money they accumulated over time, is constantly being spent.  We find that the value of money fluctuates gets revised and changed with time. It is this exchangeable commodity of usefulness between peoples, and a means of creating and maintaining a balance in society.

Money has become a vehicle of exchange, a worldwide transportation for acquiring goods, service, and personal worth. And in some cases, money is the personal atlas by which a man may ignorantly map out for himself a world, organized around the amount of money he possesses. Eventually, he spends it all, but mostly he may leave it all.

Abundant life is limitless,  it is the birthright of each.  Abundant life is a state. Our conscious appreciation and gratitude for life in each breath is the opportunity life uses to realize abundance within, providing amazing experiences and expressions of life.

Festivals of Light in a Season of Darkness


November, December, Winter,  days are shorter, evenings darker, and depending on where you live, the weather is considerably colder too. Yet it is during this season that we most celebrate the rich luminosity of lights.  Image result for christmas lightFrom the oil lamps and candlelights of Diwali, fireworks on Bonfire night, the flickering glow of small tea lights hidden inside scary-faced pumpkins,  larger crackling fires of the Winter Solstice,  the nine-lights lampstands of Hanukkah, or the twinkling bulbs of Christmas, to the seven candles lit each day for the Sabba of Kwanzaa.

And so,  for any going through a restless dark night of the soul this winter, these festivals of lights are invitations to share in the warmth and glow of The Light and to brighten the path on the journey of Life.

At this juncture, let us call to mind that great Master Teacher who said, “I am the Light of the world.” It is this light that lights everyone at birth. And furthermore, we are told that we are the lights of a city set on a hill. We came here loaded with light. Therefore, comprehend your shine. And as we own our light, we shine a path for others to see and so find their way through the darkness.

– written by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer